Sunday, August 28, 2011

Houston, We Have an Archive!

Yes, finally we have an archive of the shows. Just click the links and listen to the first nine shows. The rest will be added as they're published to the web.

Go to the Radio Show Archives Page listed below.

Happy Listening!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Week 11: Oh, the Horror!

The show for week 11 featured Lorraine and Richard Graves talking about the greatest horror movies ever. They discussed the Time, Inc. list of the Top 25 Horror Movies (see the list on the movie resources page) and talked about the evolution of the horror genre over the past 100 years. They also discussed the differences between older and more modern horror films and also what makes European horror films distinct from their American counterparts. The show was a little dark, a bit cerebral, and a whole lot of fun!